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Reset your tech habits in one week

Eliminate unintentional tech use and unlock your potential 
alongside a supportive, global community 

Cohort #4 begins in August

Join the waitlist to be alerted when applications open

Social media apps are free because you are not their customer, you are their product.

They profit by selling your attention to advertisers, and they are exploiting psychological vulnerabilities to keep you scrolling.

Your time is being stolen


to fight back

The online course & community that helps you:

"I've reduced my non-productive screen time by 4 hours a day, which has allowed me to spend more time learning, creating, and getting in tune with my own mind. I can feel my discipline improving, and getting my time and energy back is worth more than money could buy. Joining Project Reboot has been an amazing investment in myself." 

Connecticut, USA

Rachel Waxler


A New Approach to Limiting Screen Time

Making a sustainable change to your tech habits requires 3 things:

1. Context

A clear understanding of how and why tech addiction happens

Social media companies understand how your subconscious mind works, and they are using that knowledge to addict you. Project Reboot teaches you what they know, and shows you how to use their tricks against them.

Your experience will begin with a video series that explains:

Why you use your phone as a response to boredom, and how to break the habit

Why blaming yourself for your screen time only makes it worse

How social media apps hijack your brain's reward system to keep you scrolling

2. Clarity

A tangible goal and a structured approach to achieve it

Project Reboot's objective isn't to get you off of your devices completely; it's to get you clear about how you want to use them and help you turn those intentions into reality.

You'll get there by following four simple steps:

Step 1: Reboot

Temporarily unplug from all forms of distracting technology with a focus on reshaping your relationship with discomfort

Step 2: Rethink

Figure out what value social media adds to your life and how much of your time that is worth. Audit your content diet and seek out better sources of information.

Step 3: Redesign

Make simple changes to your environment to minimize the willpower that is required to stick to your intentions

Step 4: Retrain

Cultivate the traits of mindfulness, resilience, and discipline by focusing on building better habits and revising your inner monologue

3. Community

A supportive group along for the journey

Changing your tech habits is far easier when you have others to lean on. You'll be paired with an accountability group of 4-6 students whom you'll work with closely throughout the program.

Group activities and discussions on the program kickoff call

Ample opportunities for social support & accountability:

Weekly check-ins via Zoom

Screen time report sharing on the Project Reboot community platform

High Impact, Low Time Commitment

A program that saves you far more time than it takes to complete

Introductory video series

A 45-minute overview of why tech addiction happens and how to overcome it

Learning outcomes include:

How screen time impacts how you think, how you feel, and what you believe

Why dopamine keeps you attached to your phone and what to do about it

The three keys to healthy tech use: mindset, environment, and habits

Guided digital detox program

A week-long journey to reset your tech habits, regain your focus, and reclaim your time.

The detox is kickstarted by a two-hour live session in which you will:

Connect with your accountability group of 4-6 peers through engaging discussions

Solidify your understanding of Project Reboot's core ideas and apply them to your unique situation

Define goals for your reboot week and share them with peers that will hold you to them

From there, you'll enter one week of daily challenges which will help you:

Identify your scrolling triggers & retrain your response to them

Revise the story you tell yourself about your screen time

Declutter your space to make it easier to rebuild your habits

Reflect on what your ideal tech use looks like moving forward

Embrace stillness & reduce the need to be overstimulated

Audit your content sources & seek out better alternatives

Reconfigure your devices to eliminate distractions

Each challenge is designed to take just 15 to 30 minutes, making it easy to fit into your schedule. By the end of the week, you’ll have a clearer mind, a more intentional approach to technology, and a set of practical tools to maintain your progress.

Community platform access

Connect with rebooters from around the globe and get access to continued support so you can maintain your improved tech habits for life

membership includes Access to:

Community meet ups

Weekly, informal Zoom calls to ask questions and share updates


Monthly workshops

Learn more about special topics such as time management, note-taking, and AI


Screen time report sharing

Post your weekly report to hold yourself accountable

Community-wide challenges

Push yourself to pick up meditation, pursue a creative project, or journal consistently


Accountability group chats

Continue the conversation with your group from the detox week


Book club

We read a book each month and then meet up to discuss it

Hi, I'm Dino 👋

For years, I struggled to control my screen time.

What began as using Instagram to escape stress quickly spiraled into an addiction.

I knew I had a problem, but I had no idea how to solve it.

I tried deleting my apps, setting time limits, and installing chrome extensions, but nothing seemed to work for more than a week.


With each failed attempt, my self-confidence waned. Eventually I began to feel completely trapped and started to lose hope that I would ever have a healthy relationship with my devices.

Then I hit the reset button.

I left school to do an internship in New York, where I leveraged the environment change and accountability to my coworkers to rebuild my tech habits.

Not only did I eliminate most of my unhealthy screen time, I learned how to leverage the internet as a tool for learning and time management.


My devices transformed from weight vests into jetpacks, and my attention span, mood, and health improved drastically as a result.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help others do the same.

Over the last 4 years, I have:

  • Created a course that helped over 100 UC Berkeley students reduce their screen time by 3.5 hours per day

  • Spoken to over 10,000 students across 6 countries

  • Delivered a TEDx talk that has reached over 1,000,000 people online

  • Had 100s of conversations with people who are struggling with their phone use and tested dozens of methods for helping them​

This program is the culmination of all that I’ve learned along my journey, and I can't wait to share it with you

Win Back 3+ Hours per Day

Average non-productive screen time



Before Project Reboot

After Project Reboot

*Data from 110 UC Berkeley students who took Project Reboot as a 12-week course

"I've reduced my non-productive screen time significantly and I've noticed my mood, attention span, and mental fortitude increase. The need to escape to YouTube and Reddit has been replaced with gardening, texts to my loved ones, and longer forms of content. This program was just the nudge I needed to get the ball rolling on establishing an acceptable return on investment in the time I was dedicating to my apps."


Sacramento, USA



"I’m actually baffled…. this program worked like a charm. My screen time has reduced by almost 2 hours per day, I have been falling asleep much faster and my mood has improved noticeably! 

I really couldn't be happier to have come across Project Reboot and the community within it."




"My screen time has reduced drastically, I've been able to study and focus better because I'm able to notice and control the urges to escape to my phone.

I’ve also seen a major change in my relationships with my parents and my friends. I feel much more positive and that I want to be around them more."






What's included​:

  • Introductory video series

  • 2-hour Zoom kickoff call

  • Guided digital detox program

  • Personalized accountability group

  • Community platform membership

  • Access to monthly workshops

  • Project Reboot Notion Template

  • Content Recommendation Hub

$19/mo for your first 3 months, then $10/mo 

*Cancel anytime after 3 months

*Scholarships are available for those in need

Not ready to apply?
Join the waitlist and be alerted when future cohorts are announced

Note: Prices may increase for future cohorts

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